God’s Country ( Hail Satan!) ?

Happy Full Moon, guys! Full moons always brings lots of energy along with it…it’s just a matter of how you choose to channel the energy. As above, so below, right?

This full moon, I decided on writing a piece regarding the energies on earth, rather than the energies in the sky. There’s lots of energy on earth right  now that needs to be addressed, so here goes…

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NY Times Interview Request for Expectant Mothers Considering Adoption

As a birthmother, I always find articles on adoption interesting…

Musings of a Birthmom by Jennifer Wachowski

The New York Times is working on a piece about adoption from a birthmother/expectant mother point of view. Emily Brennan has already conducted interviews with many birthmothers. I, myself, have already interviewed with Emily and I think you will find, should you decide to interview with her yourself, that she does a very good job and is totally up front. Currently, Emily is seeking expectant mothers who are considering adoption, at any level, for her article. If you are an expectant mother considering adoption, please see the email, from Emily, below.


NY Times Interview Request

For a New York Times article, I am interested in speaking to pregnant women who are considering adoption for their child. I’m open to speaking to women at any level of consideration, from those who are already in touch with an agency to those who have given it just a passing thought. I’d…

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